She told him,"I can see, Senator, that you are not a gentleman."
Vance retorted,"Madam, beg your pardon but I too can see that you are not."
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Vance retorted,"Madam, beg your pardon but I too can see that you are not."
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When asked about army life, the old codger told his grandson,"The drinkin' is plumb fine along with the card playin'. Them Mexican women ain't bad but them battles...I tell ya...them battles is mighty dangerous."
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Source: A Treasury of Military Humor, James Myers
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He was a good American.
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Finally, the colonel told his men,"Quit firing. It only makes them madder."
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Senator Wade told him,"Mr. President, we will go to the devil if we do not adopt a proposition for the emancipation of the colored man. Right now, we are not a mile away from hell."
Lincoln replied,"That may be but by a curious arrangement of the facts, that is just the distance from where you stand to the Capitol, where you gentlemen are in session."
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When the two presidents Lincoln and Davis grew weary of the war, they met on neutral ground to settle it. After an hour of dickering, they agreed to split the West and the southern and northern states between them.
On the subject of Arkansas, they could not agree. Neither president wanted it and they could not agree to split it. And so the war continued.
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He told her,"Well, Madam, after a day's fighting, them Yankees are retreating forward and we are advancing backward."
Source: A Treasury of Military Humor, edited by James Myers
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One said,"Jefferson Davis will win."
"Why?" the other asked.
"Because Davis is a praying man."
"Mr. Lincoln prays too."
"Yes, I know but the Lord will think that Abraham is only joking."
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Source: A Treasury of Military Humor, James Myers
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Source: A Treasury of Military Humor
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The situation reminded him of a father who told his son to take a wife.
The son considered the idea and asked his father,"Which wife shall I take?"
Source: A Treasury of Military Humor, edited by James Myers
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Places like Gettysburg and the site in Arizona will only be preserved if the public is involved. Well-known outsiders can sign all the petitions they want. The people who live in the Gettysburg area and the place in Arizona must write to their legislators. For that to happen, organizations like the CWPT must do a public relations campaign in these areas. If the local politicians see that a casino or budget cuts will affect their reelection, they will suddenly become Civil War preservationists. Other efforts will help but eventually prove to be ineffective. Monetary needs will always trump history unless public opinion dictates otherwise.
Let's see if we can mobilize some people power.
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Source: A Treasury of Military Humor, edited by James Myers
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Politicians have been playing this game for centuries. Otto von Bismarck often tendered his resignation during his reign as Chancellor of Germany. In 1996, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (nicknamed "Bibi") allowed his chief rival Ariel Sharon to serve in his cabinet as National Infrastructures Minister. He figured Sharon would be less dangerous on the inside. When Sharon became Prime Minister in 2001, he returned the favor by making Bibi his Finance Minister. What did they say in the second Godfather movie about your friends and your enemies? Well, you know.
The names and the accents change, but the games remain the same.
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For his second command, he told them,"Git!"
Source: A Treasury of Military Humor, James Myers
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He remarked,"General McClellan is an admirable engineer but he seems to have a talent for operating a stationary engine."
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Today in 1861, President Lincoln visited the Seventh New York Regiment. He found them in the chamber for the House of Representatives in the unfinished Capitol Building.
You know that the situation is desperate and the military unprepared when a president greets his troops in a congressional building. This is why we need a standing army and a strong military. Emergencies will occur.
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When a private complained of the pain from a wooden splinter set deep in his finger, Sergeant Patrick O'Toole told him,"You should know better than to scratch your head."
Source: A Collection of Military Humor, edited by James Myers
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Source: A Treasury of Military Humor, edited by James Myers
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Lincoln promptly informed his Cabinet,"General Hooker's headquarters are where his hindquarters ought to be."
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A child born to a Civil War soldier was called a brown-spit baby. This newborn was considered tough as a mule. Unlike today's children, brown-spit babies received a steady diet of chewing tobacco.
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After the Allies had driven the Axis out of North Africa in 1943, Churchill said,"This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. It is perhaps the end of the beginning." In a grim way, Shiloh served as the end of the beginning for North and South.
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Magruder's maneuver showed that war is not only about men and material. It is mind versus mind.
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In his History of the English Speaking Peoples, Winston Churchill says that Grant pursued McClellan's original strategy except he did it in 1864. Though I read that book years ago, the idea stuck in my head.
I am a Churchill admirer but I don't agree. McClellan focused on capturing Richmond with as few casualties as possible. Grant aimed to destroy Lee's army by fighting battles and then besieging Petersburg. Their strategies could not have been more different.
What is your view?
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Source: Robert McClernon's website of Civil War Humor
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Just imagine the advertising,"See the battle site and after that, come lose your money."
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If Jackson's Stew is anything like hardtack, the visitors to the Society will be going to two places afterward: McDonalds and the dentist. The soldiers in the Army of Northern Virginia did not call themselves "Lee's Miserables" for nothing.
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No one learned this better than the four Quakers who were conscripted in London, Virginia and brought to Lee's headquarters in Orange Court House. When told to fall in, the men refused, saying that they would follow but not fall in. After the gentle persuasion of several steel bayonets, their resolve evaporated and they fell in and marched to camp.
Source: The Court Jester website
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As I've said before, the struggle will revolve around the opinions of the residents there. Of course, this could be a case of push polling. However, if this poll is to be believed, then the casino will be built. The local politicians will blow with the wind.
For these reasons, the CWPT and other organizations need to engage in a public relations campaign to win over the local people. Only such an effort will keep the casino from getting a permit.
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Like the situation with the Wilderness Wal Mart, public sentiment will decide if this bit of economic development will go forward. The area has lost many businesses in the past decade and the number of tourists has declined. The people may decide that the economy needs a casino.
The job of Civil War preservationists will be to convince them otherwise. That is where the CWPT and other organizations need to focus.
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After the Wilderness Walmart and Gettysburg Gambling, it is heartening to see a municipality that wants to maintain a Civil War site. If only we could ship the local water to Orange County, Virginia and Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
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A more seriously wounded man told him to hush up and said,"There is a lad over there with his head shot off and he's not making a complaint at all."
Source: Patrick O'Flaherty, History of the Sixty Ninth
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As a New Yorker, I am mortified over the fact that they currently have a better hockey team. In any conversation, I can now hold this historical fact over a New Jerseyan's head. That and the bad road signs.
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Source: Civil War Blunders by Clint Johnson
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Just Before the Battle, Mother
I was drinking mountain dew,
When I saw the rebels coming,
To the rear I quickly flew.
Source: A Collection of Civil War Humor by Robert McLernon
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In his pursuit of victory in the war, he was willing to absorb blows to his pride and even his position. When George McClellan snubbed him on a visit to the general's house in Washington, Lincoln said,"I will hold McClellan's horse if he will get me victories." In a letter to Joe Hooker, who had proposed a dictatorship in order to win the war, the president told him,"I will risk the dictatorship if you will get me victories." Lincoln stood ready to sacrifice his own pride and even risk his position as president on the altar of the Union.
In our age of selfish and self-aggrandizing politicians, Abraham Lincoln is a lesson in leadership.
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The president not only fought fires, but tested weapons. When new armaments came to his attention, he tried them himself. He allegedly inspected the Gatling gun, which eventually led to the machine gun.
At that time, the Presidency was a hands-on affair.
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Source: Robert Burke, Our Incredible Civil War
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I think that fact highlighted one of the Confederacy's great errors: the lack of an overall military strategy. Much of what Lee or Johnston or Bragg did was tactical. Davis had a political strategy but not a military one. The generals seemed to do their own thing and no military staff in Richmond gave them true dictation. This fundamental weakness hurt the South throughout the war.
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The soldier asked,"Have you ladies seen so many Yankee soldiers?"
One of the women replied,"Not at liberty, sir."
Source: Noah Andre Trudeau, Bloody Roads South
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It was the day after the election in Massachussetts. The people there just elected a new Senator last Tuesday.
I spoke with a colleague about the result. We discussed the election's effect on the health care bill being advanced in Congress.
I said,"We've been spared the monstrosity."
My colleague said,"For now."
I shook my head. "The Dems have reached their high water mark."
Once again, you see how an expression from the Civil War can apply to our lives.
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Naturally, this act and others like it annoyed his generals to no end. They saw them, perhaps justifiably, as a slackening of military discipline.
These suspensions were part of the Lincoln we know. Mercy and magnanimity were key parts of his personality. After a defeat in one of his elections, he went to the winner's victory party. After the capture of Richmond, he gave the famous advice about how to treat the defeated Southerners,"I'd go easy on 'em."
These commutations were in sync with his character.
I think Lincoln would have agreed with Churchill's four-part maxim about war and its aftermath.
"In war-resolution, in defeat-defiance, in victory-magnanimity, in peace-goodwill."
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The problem remained almost a century later.
In 1952, Harry Truman made a prediction about his successor, Dwight D. Eisenhower. Reflecting on Ike's status as an ex-general, Truman said,"Ike is going to find it hard to be president. He'll have to suffer the experience of giving orders with nothing happening." If he could, Lincoln would have sympathized with Truman's plight.
As the French say,"The more things change, the more they stay the same."
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Every Administration is a coalition of different interests and regions. To keep a faction happy or at least quiet, a president sometimes has to pick unsavory characters to keep his coalition stable. That is what Lincoln had to do. Every president probably wants decent, honest people serving under him. However, the exigencies of coalition politics can militate against that desire. Lincoln had to make that concession. Fortunately, he did not have to compromise for too long.
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Stonewall had beliefs on health that were considered strange for his time. To aid his eyesight and disgestion, he sucked on lemons and ate other fruits. He also believed in baths. These were minority views at that time. Today, they are commonplace.
The prevalence of Stonewall's views today show one essential thing: a majority view is not always right.
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However, it was a new year for President Lincoln in 1865. With his new and incoming Administration, he had to attend to the part of the job he hated: the officeseekers. At that time, the President had to interview the men seeking that postmaster job or this judgeship. Lincoln had to serve as his own Human Resources department. Imagine that you could march into the White House and have a fifteen-minute interview with the President. Nowadays, you have to waltz past layers of lax security, like the Salafis recently.
Times were different then.
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